Finnish Ambassador to Stockholm Maimo Henriksson and Erkki Tuomioja, Chairman of Historians without Borders in Finland, had invited on Tuesday 6 February 2024 circa twenty historians and diplomats who have served as Swedish ambassadors in Helsinki to discuss politics on history and the international Historians without Borders (HwB) network. Many of those invited had already attended HwB events in Sweden and were familiar with HwB’s activities and objectives.
Comments on the future plans of the HwB were made in a very positive spirit and the participants were also left wondering whether there might be interest and possibilities to establish a Historiker utan Gränser (Historians without Borders) association in Sweden as well.
Comments on the future plans of the HwB were made in a very positive spirit and the participants were also left wondering whether there might be interest and possibilities to establish a Historiker utan Gränser (Historians without Borders) association in Sweden as well.

In Stockholm, Chairman Tuomioja also met his former Foreign Minister colleague Carl Bildt, who is a member of the HwB’s International Network Coordination Committee and ready to support the development of HwB’s activities in Sweden.
Many thanks to all those who participated in Tuesday’s event and to Ambassador Henriksson and the Embassy of Finland in Stockholm for their cooperation!