Join us!

By becoming a member of Historians without Borders in Finland, you support the activities of Historians without Borders and the international network. Any person or community who supports the aims of the association can join.

Members receive the association’s newsletter, which contains up-to-date information about the association’s activities. The programme section of the association’s spring and autumn meetings is open to members only. We also offer other membership benefits from time to time; currently, members receive a discount on cinema tickets for film and discussion evenings organised in collaboration with Cinema Orion. Check our calendar for upcoming events!

The annual membership fee is €35 for members and €10 for students. The annual membership fee for community members is €100. If you wish, you can also become a permanent member by paying a one-off fee of €350.

To become a member, please fill in the membership application form below. Our secretary will contact you by email to confirm your membership.

Read more about our privacy policy here.

Would you also like to join our international network? Sign the Historians without Borders Declaration!

If you wish to receive information concerning our events, please subscribe to our newsletter or follow us on Facebook, Instagram and X.

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PL 54 (Snellmaninkatu 14 c)
00014 Helsingin yliopisto

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