About us

In a globalized world, it is increasingly important to be aware of both history and various interpretations about it, not to mention their influence on politics and events in the world today. 

The purpose of the organization is to further public discussion about history and to promote the use of historical knowledge for peace-building and conflict-resolution. 

According to its statutes, Historians without Borders seeks to address the role of history in conflicts and to bridge the gap between academia and policy makers.

HWB seeks to achieve these objectives by organizing public and expert discussions, participating in general debate in the media, carrying out research and publishing on the theme as well as by taking part in different conflict-resolution processes.


Our aim is to create an international network of experts who can both independently and in cooperation actively promote the HWB objectives in their own countries and communities. This network acts as a basis for a fixed international committee and, eventually, an official global organization.

We produce publications based on our projects. Take a look!
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Programs and projects
We organize projects and events to further public discussion about the role of history in conflict resolution and peace-building.
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Coordinating committee
The conference organised in Helsinki on 19th and 20th May 2016 concluded with the creation of an international network of Historians Without Borders and the appointment of its Coordinating Committee.
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Through an international network of experts, Historians without Borders aims to..

promote and deepen general and comprehensive knowledge and understanding of history;
promote open and free access to historical material and archives;
promote interactive dialogue between different views and interpretations of history to bring closer diverging views of the course of historical events;
support efforts to impede the abuse of history to foster conflicts or to sustain enemy images and distorted myths, and to contribute to the use of history in defusing and resolving conflicts.

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PL 54 (Snellmaninkatu 14 c)
00014 Helsingin yliopisto

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