Jaa artikkeli

OSCE by All

The OSCE by All project of Historians without Borders aims to highlight the voices of civil society and experts with a view to Finland's 2025 OSCE presidency. The project also aims to promote debate on Finland's foreign policy history.

Historians without Borders launched the OSCE by All pilot project in early 2024, for which the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Finland has awarded a grant.

The aim of the project is to raise the voices of civil society and experts in view of Finland’s 2025 OSCE Chairmanship and to promote the debate on Finland’s foreign policy history. The OSCE by All project will foster discussion between experts, policy-makers and the general public to look at the OSCE’s past, present and future.

The project team consists of Marko Lehti, Research Director of Tampere Peace Research Institute (TAPRI) at Tampere University, Louis Clerc, Professor of Contemporary History at the University on Turku and Bradley Reynolds, Doctoral Researcher at the University of Helsinki and member of the board of Historians without Borders in Finland. Heta Hedman, Secretary General of Historians without Borders in Finland and Bradley Reynolds will support the project as members of Historians without Borders. 

Find out more about the project aims in the blog post titled OSCE by All – Elevating Civil Society Voices: An Example from Historians without Borders, written by Bradley Reynolds.

Beacon of Hope – OSCE and Civil Society at Home and Abroad, Past and Future


Panel discussion at Europe Forum

Friday August 30, 2024 at 10:00-10:45 am (EEST)
Sopukka-stage, Turku City Theatre / Webcast


Bradley Reynolds
Doctoral Researcher, University of Helsinki & member of the board of Historians without Borders in Finland

Heta Hedman
Secretary General
Historians without Borders in Finland

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