Juho Korhonen

I believe that historical knowledge and history politics have a considerable impact on the quality and depth of democracy. However, they are rarely recognised as such.

Juho Korhonen, Docent in Sociology at the University of Helsinki, has focused his research on democracy, nationalism, imperialism and the politics of history. Juho completed his PhD at Brown University in the USA and has since worked as an Assistant Professor in Istanbul and Marie Sklodowska-Curie Fellow at the University of Turku.

His latest project focuses on the history of women’s suffrage in Finland from a global perspective. Juho has also recently led a Finnish-American project on the significance of historical knowledge in contemporary politics and has written on Finnish history politics in general.

“I believe that historical knowledge and history politics have a considerable impact on the quality and depth of democracy. However, they are rarely recognised as such and, for example, open historical research and diverse interpretations of history are not particularly supported, considered a part of democratic resilience, or protected as part of safeguarding our democratic social system.

Juho joins the board of Historians without Borders in Finland in 2025. Before this, Juho was a visiting scholar at the association.

Juho Korhonen

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