Jaa artikkeli

Whose History?

There is a need for a more diverse historical narrative in Finland. The status of minorities should be addressed also in official circumstances, even if it cannot be currently painted in an honourable or just light. We must be able to question the one dimensional and exclusive views on what it means to be Finnish. As the world is becoming ever more globalized, it is even less reasonable to present Finland as historiographically separate from the rest of the world.

In 2018 we gathered information concerning the teaching of history at Finnish history departments. Our goal was to determine how questions of colonialism and minority history are taught in the history departments of Finnish universities. We aimed to pay special attention to how broadly the themes of colonialism are included in degree requirements and mandatory credits, and whether colonialism is addressed as part of Finnish history or as a separate progression.

The report was published in Finnish in Helsinki on 24 October 2018.

Read the full report here.

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