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Exodus: screening and minilecture

Welcome to the screening organized by the working group on colonialism within Historians without Borders and Cinema Orion on Thursday 30 January 2025. The screening of Exodus (1960) will be accompanied by an introduction to the movie given by University Lecturer Risto Marjomaa.

EXODUS: The film about the birth of the state of Israel, based on Leon Uris’s best-selling book, established a strongly positive image of the Jewish state in the United States in the 1960s, strengthening a relationship that eventually grew into a close alliance between the two states. The film’s director, Otto Preminger, sought to mitigate to some extent the bitterness of the original work towards the indigenous people of Palestine, as well as the British colonial regime that ruled the land. The result is a film that combines criticism of the colonial regime with admiration for the Jewish settlers who arrived with it. Both British imperialism and the Palestinian population living under its yoke are portrayed in a negative light, and the right of the Jews to settle as immigrants is not questioned. The Exodus thus laid the foundations for attitudes that still have a strong hold in the United States and elsewhere in the West.

University Lecturer Risto Marjomaa (University of Helsinki), who specialises in imperialism and global history, introduces the origins of the film, the attitudes it conveys and its significance in its time – and perhaps even today.

The language of the film is English and the subtitles are in Finnish and Swedish. The film has a running time of 3 h 30 min.



17:00-17:15 Introduction by Risto Marjomaa

17:15-20:45 Exodus (1960) 

The introduction will be held in Finnish.


Tickets for Exodus: 14 €
Reduced price: €11.50 for members of the Association of Historians without Borders in Finland and other discount groups.


Heta Hedman
Secretary General
Historians without Borders in Finland
tel. 040 660 8979

For ticketing issues, please contact Cinema Orion’s customer service!

Picture: © 1960 Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Studios Inc

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00014 Helsingin yliopisto

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