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Support Historians without Borders – donate to the small-scale money collection!

Historians without Borders in Finland opened a small-scale money collection to support the association's activities. The collection is valid in Finland until 9 August 2024.

Historians without Borders in Finland is a Finnish non-governmental organisation whose mission, in accordance with the Declaration of Historians without Borders, is to promote general historical knowledge and the use of history in conflict resolution and prevention. We regularly organise events and projects for both Finnish and international audiences to promote the aims of our declaration. In addition, Historian without Borders in Finland acts as the secretariat of the international network of Historians without Borders, founded in 2016 on a Finnish initiative.

In recent years, the association has been awarded a grant from the Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Finland for activities related to foreign and security policy and international commitments. This grant, together with the income from membership fees, has enabled the association to carry out its activities and to contribute to the preparation of projects.

However, the cuts in state subsidies and public funding for organisations also affect Historians without Borders in Finland, along with many other NGOs. This year, the association has seen a significant cut in its grant compared to previous years, and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Finland has announced that it will abolish special state aid to NGOs for their foreign and security policy activities from 2025. Our association, like many other NGOs, has seen its operating conditions jeopardised as a result of these cuts.

Due to the challenging financial situation, we launched a small collection on 10 May 2024 with the primary aim of raising funds to cover the costs of events, projects and publications carried out by the association. The collection is valid in Finland and is open until 9 August 2024.

By taking part in the small collection, you will support our work to promote general awareness of history and the use of historical knowledge in conflict resolution. Any kind of support, large or small, is welcome. 

Many thanks for your support!

Take part in the small-scale money collection:

By making a donation to our collection account using the details below, you will be contributing to the collection. You can contribute the amount of your choice.

Fundraising account number: FI16 1544 3000 3720 08

Bank: Nordea (BIC code: NDEAFIHH)

Beneficiary: Historians without Borders in Finland

Reference number: 14054

Amount: contribute the amount of your choice

Details of the small-scale money collection:

Organiser of the small-scale collection:

Historians without Borders in Finland

Contact information:

Historians without Borders in Finland. Address: PL 54, 00014 University of Helsinki. Contact person: Heta Hedman (Secretary General): heta.hedman@hwb.fi / tel. 0406608979.

The primary and secondary use of the funds:

The primary purpose of the fundraising funds:

The funds raised will be used to carry out the non-profit activities of the association. The funds may be used to fund event and project costs, such as venue, catering and streaming costs, as well as publications organized by the association or its projects.

The secondary purpose of the fundraising funds:

The funds raised will be used to cover the general expenses of the association. The funds may be used for the association’s information and office expenses.


Small-scale money collection number:


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PL 54 (Snellmaninkatu 14 c)
00014 Helsingin yliopisto

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